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Sound Bath with Allison

Sunday, May 26 5 pm

Allison Bagg is a sound healer, breathwork facilitator, intuitive guide and artist based in Los Angeles. She weaves together modalities to help participants ground into their bodies and open portals to the magic and abundance within. Certified and trained under a master lineage in gong, crystal alchemy singing bowls, planetary chimes and tuning forks, along with breathwork and Yoga Nidra, Allison brings together both hemispheres of the brain in a beautiful marriage of spirit and science.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” - Nikola Tesla

What is a Sound Bath?

Music has been used for its therapeutic effects for thousands of years. This vibrational healing technique is especially beneficial when we realize that everything is vibration. So when we begin to heal ourselves at a vibrational level, we are healing ourselves at the most basic root of existence. 

Music, and especially crystal bowls, have the ability to help your nervous system go from sympathetic (fight or flight) into parasympathetic (rest and relaxation). In this relaxed state, your blood pressure and heart rate drop along with your cortisol levels. Cortisol is the stress hormone, and it is said that 20 minutes of meditation can lower your cortisol more than a full night's sleep!

Crystal bowls provide a particularly powerful and beneficial vibration because our bodies are actually made of crystal. We have a crystalline structure within our DNA that lights up when we are bathed in the beautiful pure tones of crystal bowls.

Crystal bowls also help facilitate a deep state of relaxation. During our normal, waking life, we are typically in a beta brainwave state, which is active and alert. When we are a bit more relaxed, but still focused, we enter alpha. A deep, meditative state called theta is usually only accessible during 20 minutes of transcendental meditation, or even sleep states. But the vibration of crystal bowls has the ability to pull us into this theta state without us having to do anything at all. In that sense, sound baths almost act as shortcuts or detours that take us straight to theta.