Yoga Teacher Training
in progress
There’s still time to join us in this training … Please message us or email us or call 213-431-2749 if you have any questions or to sign up!
We are hosting an affordable YTT held at at our studio in the Joshua Tree / Twentynine Palms area!
This training is for anyone who has an interest to become a yoga teacher or anyone who is interested in deepening their practice.
We meet every weekend
Saturdays + Sundays: 9am - 2 pm
Pay by the month $500 per month.
After 2 months you will receive a 100 Hour YTT Certificate
After 4 months you will receive a 200 Hour YTT Certification
You will also have a chance to be invited to teach yoga at our studio.
This training will be held at our studio: Studio 29 Yoga in Twentynine Palms!
73913 Twentynine Palms Highway, Twentynine Palms, CA
Some topics we will cover:
Yoga Poses (Asana)
Yoga Assists / Adjustments
Yoga Philosophy
Practice Teaching
Yin + Restorative Yoga
Exploration of Yoga Styles
Yoga History
Energetics + Subtle energy
And more….
We look forward to welcoming you to this transformational training!