Thai massage, yoga massage, thai yoga massage, massage therapy, physical therapy, yoga assist, yoga adjustment, yoga stretch, mfr, easy stretch, stretch assist

Thai Yoga Massage Workshop

Sunday, May 5

with Lauren

$30 per person or $50 per couple

Join us at Studio 29 Yoga for this workshop that will leave your body feeling amazing!

Come with a partner or friend or come by yourself and we’ll partner you up with one of our Studio 29 teachers or another participant in the workshop.

This deeply relaxing blend of assisted yoga and bodywork encourages increased range of motion, relief of pain and muscle tension, muscle lengthening and flexibility, and improved lymph and blood circulation.

Working with the body in this way sifts through the layers of old habits and holding patterns, injuries and tensions - releasing energetic blockages and freeing up range of motion to bring your entire being back to a state of natural equilibrium.

Lauren has trained in Yoga Therapeutics, Thai Massage, Breathwork and Somatic Attachment Theory.

Let the healing begin!

thai yoga, yoga massage, thai yoga massage, massage therapy, pt, assisted stretching, stretch assist, stretching assist,